Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that is the number of cases continues to increase throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Now, diabetes is no longer an enemy of adults, but also children.
Data coordination endocrinology research unit in the entire Indonesian children ever released Directorate General of Disease Control Ministry of Health at the beginning of an environmental March for example, shows that the number of people with diabetes in children and adolescents under 20 years of recorded 731 children.
Meanwhile, Diabetes and Nutrition Center (PDN) Dr Soetomo Hospital never make estimates that in 2009 there were approximately 650,000 children in Indonesia suffered from diabetes and type 2 diabetes constituting the majority of the figure is obtained by calculating the five per cent of the total 13 million people with diabetes mellitus of all age groups in 2009.
While the Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty) estimates, the number of children with diabetes showed a tendency to rise in recent years. In 2011 and for example, at least 65 children with diabetes were recorded, up 400 percent from 2009. Of that amount, a total of 32 children suffering from diabetes type two.
“We always thought that diabetes in children with type 1 diabetes surely But now, many children are affected by type 2 diabetes due to poor lifestyle (lifestyle),” said dr. Dyah Purnamasari Sulistianingsih, Sp.PD of Metabolic Endocrinology Division of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty) in the event of a media seminar, Thursday, in Jakarta.
Dyah said, every person who does not have a healthy lifestyle may develop diabetes. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle should be maintained by eating-healthy diet and regular exercise can be controlled so that the sugar levels and avoid diabetes.
Some studies suggest that, to manage children with type 2 diabetes is generally more difficult than in adults. Most cases of diabetes in children is caused due to the problem of obesity. If the parents are not aware of this threat early on, it can tend to be less effective treatment.
Why not effective? Because delivery of drugs diabetes in children are usually more difficult than adults because children are more difficult to manage, let alone the gift must be done continuously in the long run.
“It takes a psychological approach. Because of different treatment in children and adults,” he said.
Furthermore Dyah said, Type 1 diabetes usually occurs more frequently in children, where there is a lack of insulin in the body due to damage to the pancreas by an autoimmune process. Damage to the pancreas generally only causes symptoms after damage pancreatic cells reached 90 percent or more.
“This is what often leads to cases of diabetes in children is often overlooked,” he said.
Factors that cause diabetes mellitus type 1, namely: for some reason the cells, called beta cells in the pancreas will Decrease the function and death. If this is the case means the body / pancreas can no longer make insulin. Most of these people live healthy and active before developing symptoms of diabetes, the cell damage usually begins a few years before the DM appears. If almost all of the cells damaged, the symptoms of hyperglycemia dating quickly. There is nothing we can do to stop or prevent this process. So people who suffer from this type of insulin must be injected every day, so that blood sugar is well controlled, they also have to set up and maintain a balance between food and activities.
Factors that cause the occurrence of type 2 DM, namely: The most common factors. Pancreas still make and secrete insulin, but the amount is too low / insulin does not work as it should. Diabetes tends to run in families. Many people who have a tendency, but diabetes does not develop, usually dating / going over the age of 40 years. Symptoms will appear gradually, so it is difficult to predict. About half of this type of diabetes are obese, because too much fat / fat is enlarged so it does not make a good response to insulin. So that the pancreas will work hard to make insulin.
During pregnancy women can also be affected by diabetes because the pancreas additional needs and will disappear after delivery. But do not rule out diabetes will reappear in his life.
Signs of common symptoms:
 · thirsty, many urination, weight loss but increased appetite.
 · Foot feels numbness and tingling.
 · Easy arise boils and abscesses are difficult to heal.
 · Having a family history of diabetes.
When you have declared diabetes is to be done is:
control regularly to the doctor (Poly Medicine)
Following the guidance / instructions from your doctor and diabetes educator.
Following a program for people with diabetes
We often hear sometimes people with diabetes have chronic wounds, rotting, blackened so it must be amputated. It is gangrene diabeticum. Examples such as comedian artist named Rini ES bonbon
Not that if people with treatment would be better, even sufferers will develop complications from treatment teresbut, such as:
 · Blood sugar drops below the normal loss of consciousness coma
 · Nausea, vomiting and sweating
 · diarrhea, headaches and dizziness
Signs of decline in blood sugar / glucose below normal:
 · Shaking. Cold sweat and limp
 · Decreased consciousness to unconsciousness can sleepy / coma
Sports are recommended for diabetics:
- Gymnastics diabetes.
- Swim.
- Roads casual / fast road as directed diabetes educator.
Factors that cause diabetes in general:
¨ Family history of diabetes
¨ Overweight
¨ Less physical activity
¨ Babies born weighing more than 4 kg
¨ Hypertension
It can be seen from the people who are around that people with diabetes suffer even life is not long. Though the treatment is simple, namely:
- Diet.
- Physical exercise.
- Drugs: oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin.
- Test blood glucose levels.